Going all EV: Optimised electrical infrastructure upgrades to an all-EV fleet

A major challenge faced by vehicle fleet owners planning their transition to an all EV fleet is providing adequate electrical infrastructure to ensure the fleet can be charged when and where required to ensure normal operations.

Electrical infrastructure upgrades required for Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment (ESVE) is a major cost and constraint to a smooth transition to an EV fleet, and must be considered early in the transition planning.

Detailed modelling of the vehicle fleet, charging times and locations, vehicle milage/usage and appropriate load management systems, can minimise required electrical upgrades whilst ensuring adequate charging of all fleet vehicles.

Having already successfully delivered many EV infrastructure feasibility, modelling and detailed design projects; aimed at reducing required electrical upgrades, Enhar has put together this webinar to share key factors to consider and minimise infrastructure upgrade costs.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • EVSE types and suitability, load management systems.
  • EV charging limitations – bigger EVSE is not always better.
  • Enhar EV modelling tools used to ensure all vehicles are charged when required; whilst decreasing infrastructure upgrade costs.
  • Design of electrical infrastructure and limitations to electrical supply upgrades.
  • Key information about heavy-duty EVs from our latest report.
Watch the Highlights

Trevor Ackland

Director & Head of Commercial Services, Co-Founder

Ryan Akers

Engineer and CEC accredited solar electrician

Andrew Reddaway

Energy Consultant
Event Details (Webinar)


19 October 2023


11am - 12pm

If you are attending in person, arrive from 2:30pm to enjoy snacks. Drinks and networking from 4:00pm.

In person address: Conference room, Ground floor, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton VIC 3053.

Location is 5 mins walk from Victoria Market tram stop. On street parking available."

If you are attending in person, arrive from 2:30pm to enjoy snacks. Drinks and networking from 4:00pm.

In person address: Conference room, Ground floor, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton VIC 3053.

Location is 5 mins walk from Victoria Market tram stop. On street parking available."

Register now

Enhar have helped dozens of councils and EV fleet owners with optimised electrical infrastructure and ESVE feasibility and design projects, to ensure a smooth future EV transition. The proven strategies and processes developed during years of projects is condensed into this one hour value packed webinar.